Life Insurance Plans enabling your Life Goals
Easy to use Tools & Calculators to plan for your Life Goals
Check term product recommendation and eligibility
Estimate the required amount and the annual savings needed to reach your Child’s future Life Goals.
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This calculator assesses your age, probable monthly investments, investment period and expected rate of return, to give you an estimate of the accumulated corpus with this investment.
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Determine your right amount of insurance that meet your needs and helps you get your family’s Life Goals Done.
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Assesses your age, probable monthly investments, investment period and expected rate of return, to give you an estimate of the accumulated corpus with this investment.
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Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measure to understand whether your body weight is healthy as per your height.
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Based on your present income, calculate the amount you need to invest one time or at regular intervals to live a comfortable retired life.
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Find out your tax payable on your annual salary - explore your tax saving options and invest in tax saving investments
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Know how savings from regular expenses like travel, eating out, movies can help you achieve your Life Goals.
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Know how much you need to invest, to achieve the amount you need to get your Life Goals Done.
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Calculate your Investment growth over a period of time basis investment amount and expected rate of returns
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Use our immunity calculator to find out your immunity score in just a few clicks!
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Are you ready, India? Find out and improve your Life Goal Preparedness Score.
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Know the Pre-approved Sum Assured (PASA) for you and your family in few clicks
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Our Customers Speaks!
“I am a happy customer who is satisfied with the after sales service. I have full trust in Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company.”
“I wanted to invest for my Future Goals. After comparing with other financial tools I finally decided to invest in Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance Company. My buying journey was hassle free as I was guided at every step.”
“I am a 7 year old customer of Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance and very happy about the services.”

Why Bajaj Allianz Life Insurance

Claim Settlement Ratio of 99.23%~
Amount of individual Claims Paid from FY 2006-07 to 2023-241
Solvency ratio of 432%^
Number of lives covered#
Total Assets Under Management (AUM)**
AAA;Stable Rating by CARE$
Get 1 Day Claim Approval%
~ Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio for FY 2023-2024 %96.70% of non-investigative individual claims approved in one working day for FY 2023-24. 1 day is counted from date of intimation of claim before 3 PM on a working day (excluding Non-NAV days for ULIP) at Bajaj Allianz Life offices $For details refer to press release published by CARE **All figures as on 31 March, 2024 ^Solvency ratio 432% as at 31 March 2024 against IRDAI mandated 150% #Individual & Group, 1Bajaj Allianz Life Public Disclosure.